This means if you place it in the header section, it will look like other header section link text. The *|MC:TOC|* merge tag inherits the link text style of its campaign section.The *|MC:TOC|* merge tag and anchor links are not supported by all email clients, and may not work as expected when a campaign is viewed on a mobile device, so be sure to test your campaign thoroughly.Here are some things to know before you begin this process.

In this article, you'll learn about the two ways you can add a table of contents to your campaign. Anchor links allow you to build your own table of contents with custom wording, link style, and formatting. The *|MC:TOC|* merge tag creates a table of contents for you, which contains links to headings in your campaign. Mailchimp offers two ways to set up a table of contents in your campaign: the *|MC:TOC|* merge tag and custom anchor links. This helps your subscribers quickly find the information that interests them, so they stay engaged with your campaigns.

Add a table of contents to your campaign layout to keep your content clear, organized, and easy to navigate.