Ncs expert profiles e46
Ncs expert profiles e46

ncs expert profiles e46

How does NCS know which files to use? Because it knows by looking at your VIN and VO, then selects the correct files. These files are basically from your /DATEN/ folder and contain the proper coding information specific to your car. "xx" is usually the specific Coding index used in your default module, its a number. On Post-02 cars It will say "LSZ" and underneath "SG_Codieren" along with some files LSZ.Cxx, LSZ.PRG, etc etc. On Pre-02 cars It will say "LSZ" and underneath "SG_Codieren" along with some files LSZ.Cxx, LSZ.PRG, etc etc. Select the chassis, then module you F'd up on.

ncs expert profiles e46

Hit "VIN/ZCS/FA" to load your Chassis and Vehicle order info Open FSW_PSW.MAN, select all, delete, save & exit. To load up the ORIGINAL factory defaults if you mess up.

Ncs expert profiles e46